Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Treaty Of Versailles

The treaty of Versailles had a very negative affects on Germany. Under the treaty the Germans had to accept responsibility for starting the war. They had to pay reparations to the allied nations for the cost of the war, they had to give all their overseas colonies to England and France, they ceded parts of Germany to Poland, and Denmark, they also had to return Alsace-Lorraine, which the Germans had seized during the Franco-Prussian war back to France. They were also not allowed no build any fortifications along the Rhine. Once one of the largest industrial power in Europe, their production of coal and iron fell 16% and 48%.
Most people believe the treaty of Versailles led to the rise of Adolf Hitler. Most historians believe that because his platform when running for office was that he would make Germany a European power again. He promised the German people he would fix the German economy, and regain all the territory it lost after the war.

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