Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Treaty Of Versailles

The treaty of Versailles had a very negative affects on Germany. Under the treaty the Germans had to accept responsibility for starting the war. They had to pay reparations to the allied nations for the cost of the war, they had to give all their overseas colonies to England and France, they ceded parts of Germany to Poland, and Denmark, they also had to return Alsace-Lorraine, which the Germans had seized during the Franco-Prussian war back to France. They were also not allowed no build any fortifications along the Rhine. Once one of the largest industrial power in Europe, their production of coal and iron fell 16% and 48%.
Most people believe the treaty of Versailles led to the rise of Adolf Hitler. Most historians believe that because his platform when running for office was that he would make Germany a European power again. He promised the German people he would fix the German economy, and regain all the territory it lost after the war.

Friday, February 9, 2007


Mahatma Gandhi was an important person in history. He is the person most responsible for India gaining Independence and the breakup of the British Empire. The reason he was so successful was because his philosophy of non-violent protest was unorthodox at that time. This form of civil disobedience was not common, nation who wanted freedom usually took up arms against their occupiers I think Gandhi believed in no-violent protests because he was a peaceful man,and because he also knew that the Indian people could not revolt against the British Empire, one of the largest, most powerful empires in history, along with the Roman Empire and Mongol empire. He also knew that the British would not know how to react to non-violent protest, so they would overreact and used force to suppress them. These acts of violence would outrage the world and pressure would be put on the British to grant Indian Independence.
Gandhi was very important figure during the Indian Independence movement, but the British Empire was on a rapid decline since the end of the first world war and was destined to fall. The British Empire was the larges overseas empire in history, covering about two-fifths of the earth's surface, from Canada to Singapore. The British defeated the German during the second world war but it was a Pyrrhic victory. The British economy was in ruins, their cities were destroyed by German bombing, and millions of their soldiers, and citizens died. They just didn't have the resources needed to maintain such a large empire. Within years after the second world war ended India was granted independence. Within 20 years the granted Independence to their possessions in Africa, Asia, and South America. In 1997 they lost their last important colony, returning Hong Kong to China. Today, Britain is a shell of its former
self. Once the largest empire in history, the are now confined to the British Isle, (England,Scotland,Wales) Northern Ireland, Gibraltar, and the Falkland Island

Friday, February 2, 2007