Thursday, March 22, 2007

Night and Fog

I thought night and fog was powerful, but a bit to short. I found it powerful mainly because of the dead bodies, especially the part that showed the decapitated bodies, and when a bulldozer pushed dozens of bodies into a mass grave. I think Schindler's list illustrates the Holocaust more effectively because it deals with the lifes of individuals and the viewers feel connected to them.

Schindler's List

Schindler's list illustrates the Holocaust in a personal level. It also shows the German side, and the mentality of the guy in charge of the camp. The most powerful scene in the movie was when the commandant of the camp killed the Jewish engineer because She was an educated Jew "like Karl Marx." Another powerful, but disturbing scene was when the head commandant told the old Jewish worker to make a hinge. When He was done making the hinge, the Commandant thought that the pile of hinges were to little so he took him outside to shoot him, but his gun didn't work, so he took out his other gun and that one didn't work either so he let him live.

Sunday, March 18, 2007

US Atomic Bombing of Japan in 1945

I agree with the list's conclusion that the use of the atomic bomb was the biggest story of the century. The atomic bomb is the biggest news story of the century because it killed thousands of people, and because it revolutionized warfare. I wouldn't change the list. I believe that the list is complete and i can't think of any major story left out.

Garmany at War- WW2

Propaganda is a type of message that tries to influence what people think. This poster is trying to convince the German people that war with Russia is necessary. According to the poster Great Britain has already been defeated and is represented as a graveyard, with Winston Churchill's tombstone standing out. The poster also says that the invasion of Russia is necessary because of the security, of Germany, represented by the cradle, and for more living space for the German people, represented by the Farm. It also shows an iron fist delivering a knockout blow to Stalin and the Russians.